GPS tracking and government

GPS Tracking Bus Philippines

Philippines LTFRB Calls for GPS on Public Buses By April 30th

Manila officials are attempting to control excessive speeding among public transportation officials through fleet tracking.  Calling for GPS tracking devices in all provincial buses before the end of April, officials hope to utilize the GPS trackers and GPS tracking software to determine which buses are habitually speeding to improve the transportation.



gps tracking satellite

ULA Launches New GPS Satellite on February 5

The United Launch Alliance completed a successful launch of a new GPS tracking satellite on February 5, 2016.  This launch was the final of 12 new satellite launches, collectively known as the Block II-F series.  Built by Boeing, and monitored by the United States Air Force, the launch of the $131-Million GPS Satellite is intended to improve GPS tracking, including fleet tracking and covert tracking, worldwide.  30 of 50 orbiting satellites remain active, with the first launched in 1978.



GPS Tracking Software Art


GPS Tracking Software Art

Here’s a new twist on the many uses for GPS tracking software.  Creative fitness enthusiast have begun creating GPS tracking art via their outdoor fitness running and biking routes. By planning an exact route, the resulting GPS software display will appear in a desired shape, likeness, or pattern.


Photo Credit: Architect.Com



gps tracking software michigan map

A  bill proposing a pilot GPS tracking program for state vehicles is moving through the Michigan state legislature.   If approved, the bill would approve a pilot program for approximately a hundred of the state’s vehicles.  If the pilot program were proven to be successful, GPS tracking could then be installed on all state vehicles at an approximate annual cost ranging from $500K to over $1M.  The bill was drafted in part due to suspected misuse of state time, vehicles, and resources, including one case where state time and vehicle privileges were abuse on 84 occasions.   If enacted, officials expect the vehicle tracking devices and GPS tracking software to save fuel, eliminate mileage reporting, and assist in monitoring employees.

Interested in vehicle tracking?  Purchase GPS trackers directly from TrackingTheWorld distributors.


GPS tracking software screenshot

Officials in the city of Warren in Macomb County Michigan have agreed to add GPS tracking technology, a nearly $600-thousand dollar investment, to city vehicles including snow plows, and sanitation trucks.  The fleet tracking initiative will provide an extra convenience to citizens such as knowing when to expect services, and the city hopes to recoup their investment in efficiency by eliminating manual mileage reporting, and more carefully watching the location of city assets.

With real time GPS tracking updates every 2 minutes via GPS tracking software, supervisors will know when a city vehicle has left its predetermined set of boundaries, a process known as geo-fencing, and will receive reports when city vehicles are traveling at excessive speeds or when brakes are operated abruptly.  The city expects that the savings gained by automated reporting, and eliminating the excessive or unauthorized use of city vehicles will be well worth the investment.

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Navstar-2FPhoto:  Wikipedia

The world of GPS tracking continues to receive much needed replacements for antiquated GPS II-A satellites launched during the 1990’s.  On August 1, a United Launch Atlas 5 rocket successfully launched the third of 4 new satellites set to be launched in 2014–all part of a series of twelve new GPS satellites.

The new GPS-IIF satellites, manufactured by Boeing, come with multiple advantages over their 1990’s predecessors, including:

  • Improved atomic time signals for more accurate reporting data
  • An added signal for civilian use–to be used as a GPS signal for aircraft travel. (This signal is known as L5, which began broadcasting in April)
  • Medium-Earth orbit

The newly launched satellite is undergoing a few weeks of testing by the Air Force to assure that it is fully functional before being placed into service.

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GPS tracking law enforcement

According to a 2014 study released by the Yale Law Journal, using GPS tracking for covert tracking operations for law enforcement departments is incredibly less expensive than utilizing officers for covert tracking operations.  In fact, the study estimated the cost of GPS tracking to be 1000 times more affordable than tracking vehicles the old fashioned way, with officers trailing behind their target in unmarked vehicles.

In the study, the cost comparisons are dramatic– covert tracking using the standard 5 car surveillance box strategy is estimated to cost $275 dollars per hour, yet the cost of GPS tracking for law enforcement covert tracking can range from just 36-cents to around $5 per hour.

GPS tracking for law enforcement has been described as a “game changer” in the law enforcement community for both its cost effectiveness and the number of vehicles that can be tracked simultaneously.

The study included both cell phone GPS tracking units, and GPS tracking systems mounted to target vehicles.


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GPS tracking software school bus

Portage Township Schools on the southeast side of Lake Michigan  recently installed GPS trackers on all 110 buses in the school’s fleet.  Added as a measure of convenience for both parents and administration, the program was given a “test drive” during summer school to prepare for the beginning of the 2014 school year.

Using GPS tracking software on computers or smart phones, parents and faculty are able to see the exact location of any bus at any time–even on field trip days–  While the new GPS tracking system will most assuredly offer parents peace of mind that their child made it to school safely, officials also hope it will be an added convenience for parents of children whose buses are running late.  With tracking software, parents will have detailed information on when the bus can be expected, hopefully eliminating the need to call the school officials.

School administration also hopes to use the system to conserve fuel and maintain efficiency by rerouting buses when traffic incidents occur.

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GPS trackign recycling bins

You’ve probably seen them in your own community…large metal bins for dropping off clothing donations.  As it turns out, not even  donations given in good will are exempt from those who rummage through  clothing bins in hopes of reselling or keeping the goods.  One Baltimore company, that originally thought donations were down,  has successfully retrieved stolen goods, and led authorities to recycled clothing thieves with the help of GPS tracking software— and in the process found out that donations weren’t down after all.   By placing GPS tracking devices in various clothing items–in pockets, liners, etc., and using GPS tracking software, the company has successfully  retrieved several batches of stolen clothing.  Company officials use geofencing, a feature of the tracking software to receive cell phone alerts whenever one of their GPS tracking devices leaves the immediate area of the clothing collection bins.   The clothing collected by the company is bailed and then shipped to third world countries.



GPS tracking airplane

In the wake of the mysterious and tragic disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH-370, some may be wondering just how much GPS tracking software plays a role in tracking jets like the Boeing 777 and other aircraft.   We ran across a great article by BBC Asia that explains how airplanes are tracked.   In short, airplanes do use GPS tracking, but the feature is almost exclusively used only for the purpose of informing the pilot of his or her position, rather than air traffic control.  Surprisingly, much of air traffic control remains radar-based, with planes using a primary radar, a secondary radar, and ACARS–a system that transmits computer data from the plane to computers on the ground for the purpose of  reporting on the health of the aircraft’s various systems.

Here’s the BBC Asia Article:

GPS tracking autism

The US federal government has recently released funding to aid in purchasing GPS trackers for autistic children at high risk for wandering away and becoming lost.  The average cost of GPS tracker for a child ranges from $80-$100 before the addition of data costs/subscriptions for monthly GPS tracking software service.

The release of federal GPS tracking funding comes on the heels of incidents where children have become lost by leaving their homes or their schools.  While some children are eventually found unharmed, other incidents have resulted in the deaths of children.  Autistic children can be easily sidetracked with curiosity or panic quickly in a new situation.  GPS tracking systems do not replace parental supervision but are a valuable extra layer of security when needed.

For more information about GPS trackers or GPS tracking software, please visit



Read our latest press release on the LightTrack accessory that works with your GPS tracking device to detect when packages are opened.  It’s available only from TrackingTheWorld.  Limited number of prototypes available on a first-come-first-served basis!