GPS online tracking software is the means of communicating with GPS tracking devices. A GPS device holds a wealth of information. And GPS tracking software processes and translates that information to the user. Additionally, the software is how the user manages the GPS tracking device remotely.  

GPS online tracking software helps manager at computer

TrackingTheWorld offers versatile and feature-rich GPS tracking software. Our software enables users to receive the most benefit from their GPS tracking devices. 

GPS Online Tracking Software Maps and Bread Crumbs

TrackingTheWorld’s GPS software supports Google and Bing Maps, as well as MapQuest. In addition, our software integrates with Google Earth. 

GPS tracking software allows users to remotely view the location of a GPS device ID on the online map systems. The software shows how long it’s been since the device last reported. And it even shows the device’s battery level. 

GPS online software displays colored dots or “bread crumbs” that show the GPS device has reported data or an event at a set interval. On Bing Maps, hovering over the bread crumb also shows the speed and course of the device. 

The software provides crucial information for anyone managing a fleet of vehicles remotely. 

GPS Online Tracking Software and Geo-Fences

A geo-fence is a virtual fence that is pre-set with GPS online tracking software. When a GPS tracking device either enters or leaves the geo-fence, the software sends an email or text alert. 

Geo-fences are helpful in a variety of situations. First, they keep managers assured that field teams are in place. This is an important function when managing the logistics of multiple deliveries. Geo-fencing is also valuable for tracking security or law enforcement personnel. 

Another application for GPS tracking devices is to help the elderly. For example, a geo-fence can be set up to notify a family member if their loved one has wandered off. GPS devices and software provide a safety net to allow seniors to remain in their homes longer.

GPS Software and Device Polling Options

Polling is an optional feature with TrackingTheWorld GPS online software. It provides advanced management functions. Polling allows a user to send basic commands to the device, such as a reboot or reporting change. Polling also provides the location of the GPS tracking device.  

GPS Online Software Provides Detailed Vehicle Reports

GPS online tracking and fleet of company vans

With GPS software, a user can pull a CSV file report. The CSV file includes the following information about the GPS device: altitude, longitude, latitude, date/time, speed, and battery levels. 

The software provides reports showing daily events for a device. Another report shows fuel usage and efficiency. Companies save money with this information. If a vehicle shows a drop in fuel efficiency, a service or repair is often warranted. Having this information allows companies to maintain an efficiently operating fleet. 

Another cost savings is using a year-end fuel report to make purchasing decisions for future vehicles. GPS tracking software pays for itself and the devices by saving money. In that case, companies receive the best return on their investment. 

GPS Software and Driver and Lone Worker Reports

Another report type provided by GPS online software is driving records. Examples of how companies use this information are to track deliveries, potentially resolving customer issues. Another benefit of this report is in monitoring a driver’s performance. Liability risks are reduced when those operating company vehicles do so safely. 

Similarly, these reports are helpful when used for lone workers with GPS devices. Lone workers are those in the field who work alone without direct supervision. GPS tracking devices and software assist in managing them and supporting their safety remotely. 

How Does GPS Tracking and GPS Online Software Benefit Companies?

To show how integral GPS software is to GPS devices, consider a stereo receiver. A stereo receiver is a waste without speakers, because the speakers translate information from the receiver to the listener’s ear. 

Similarly, GPS online software is a transmission tool for information from the GPS device. It makes the GPS information accessible to the user. 

GPS software and GPS devices are management assets for organizations with fleet vehicles or remote workers in the field. Not only does the software provide a host of monitoring and reporting tools, but it also saves money in the long run. 

GPS systems reduce some of the risks associated with fleet vehicles. If an accident does occur, the software provides hard data that is helpful for insurance claims. It also provides information that might be beneficial if an accident claim leads to a personal injury case. 

In addition to helping companies, GPS software provides valuable information to help ensure the safety of seniors or other family members. The geo-fencing software feature is a prime example. 

TrackingTheWorld GPS Online Software

GPS software is critical to receiving the benefits GPS devices offer. TrackingTheWorld offers superior devices and robust GPS software. Our software is loaded with features designed with the user in mind. The software’s interface is also simple and easy to use. 

TrackingTheWorld is a company with 12 years of GPS experience. Our experience allows us to provide a superior level of technical support. In addition, when you work with us you receive the same high-level GPS systems used by law enforcement and the military. 

We are currently seeking partnerships with GPS dealers and distributors. Our GPS tracking software offers great revenue sharing potential. 

Please visit our website for more information on our GPS software, devices, and solutions. 


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