GPS Tracking Bus Philippines

Philippines LTFRB Calls for GPS on Public Buses By April 30th

Manila officials are attempting to control excessive speeding among public transportation officials through fleet tracking.  Calling for GPS tracking devices in all provincial buses before the end of April, officials hope to utilize the GPS trackers and GPS tracking software to determine which buses are habitually speeding to improve the transportation.



gps tracking satellite

ULA Launches New GPS Satellite on February 5

The United Launch Alliance completed a successful launch of a new GPS tracking satellite on February 5, 2016.  This launch was the final of 12 new satellite launches, collectively known as the Block II-F series.  Built by Boeing, and monitored by the United States Air Force, the launch of the $131-Million GPS Satellite is intended to improve GPS tracking, including fleet tracking and covert tracking, worldwide.  30 of 50 orbiting satellites remain active, with the first launched in 1978.



GPS Tracking Software Art


GPS Tracking Software Art

Here’s a new twist on the many uses for GPS tracking software.  Creative fitness enthusiast have begun creating GPS tracking art via their outdoor fitness running and biking routes. By planning an exact route, the resulting GPS software display will appear in a desired shape, likeness, or pattern.


Photo Credit: Architect.Com



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