gps tracking football

While we often have a lot to say about GPS trackers for your business, covert tracking operations, and personal protection, we haven’t discussed much about GPS tracking in sports.  Here’s the latest: We just read that multiple NFL teams, including the Dallas Cowboys and the Baltimore Ravens are using GPS tracking devices to track players during some games and practices.  Although it may sound like it, the tracking devices aren’t to make sure the players make it to practice–or are where they say they are.  Turns out, NFL teams are using the tracking devices to glean important data about how much players exert themselves during select games and practices.

Using a small tracking device placed inside pads on the player’s back and special GPS tracking software, coaches and medical staff then have answers to questions such as how far a player is running in practice, how fast they are running, exactly where they are on the field during plays, and more.  By scoring the amount of effort a player is exerting, it is easier to determine which players are at risk for injury.  For example, if a specific player is found to have higher exertion on too many consecutive days, coaches reasonably assume that the player is at greater risk for injuries, and actually reduce the risk of injury by assigning the player to lighter practices.

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