Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

The GPS tracking industry is a lucrative but niche business. In order to succeed, you must take several factors into account. These factors are what make GPS business so attractive to entrepreneurs, including the perk of recurring revenue from service subscriptions. Before you dive into the GPS business, though, you will need to take the following steps.

Picking a Niche

Businesses and fleets will benefit from your GPS tracking business, but it is important that you find your niche. The first question you will want to ask yourself is, “Who will be my customers?” Most new entrepreneurs will want to say all people are their customers because that means more profit. Resist going this route. Not everyone needs a GPS tracking system, but going after everyone who does is not good business practice or strategy.

If you try to go after everyone who needs a GPS tracking system, then not all of your customers’ needs will be met well. Your GPS business will flourish more if you can dominate one niche market rather than going after every single GPS tracking customer. When focusing on a niche market, your sales and marketing pitches will be more centered on your ideal customer, which leads to more sales because you are focusing on one need rather than multiple needs.

Pick Your Strategy

Selecting the right strategy is also important. You need to ask yourself, “Will it be a subscription plan?”, “What installation will you provide for the GPS tracking product?”, and “Is GPS monitoring and management of fleets an option?” These questions should be answered toward your ideal customer. You should not try to answer these questions for all conceivable customers as, once again, you do not want to reach every potential customer.

Pick the Right Software

Finding the right software may be one of the most important parts of starting a GPS business. If you do not have the right software then you and your customers cannot track the assets your customers are waiting for. While you could try to create your own software, this is not smart, as it more than likely won’t be able to scale with your company. You will want to find a GPS software partner that offers software that will scale with your company. If you fail to choose the right software partner, then the backbone of your company will fail, which means your whole company will fall apart.

Pick the Right Hardware

Just like finding the right software is important, so is picking the right hardware. You want to make sure that you are picking high-quality hardware. High-quality hardware will benefit both your customers and your business. Devices that are high-quality require less service and maintenance, which will help give you higher margins.

Create the Business

This is an exciting step, as this is when you actually get the business license. There will be a lot of paperwork to fill out, so it is best to hire a lawyer to help you take care of the paperwork. If you want your business to be taken as a serious venture, a lawyer can help you navigate the waters a little better.

Acquire your First Customer

Once you have your business in place – not only meaning you have filed the paperwork, but you have also picked your ideal customer, picked the perfect strategy, and selected the right hardware and software – it is time to get your first customer. In the ideal situation, you should already have a customer or customers in mind before putting your business into place.

After you have gotten your first few customers, it is just a matter of hustle and hard work to make sure your GPS business is successful.

The Key to Success

Like mentioned above, the software is a very key step in making sure your company is successful. After all, the software is what your business is all about. When you are looking for the perfect GPS tracking software, Tracking the World has the perfect solution. Contact us today at 650-692-8100 or



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