Many companies whose employees travel locally throughout the day are adopting GPS tracking. There are many different markets for GPS based technology. You may use your GPS tracking to make sure your salespeople are where they are supposed to be. Or maybe you use GPS tracking for keeping in contact with your vehicle fleet. No matter what you use your GPS tracking system for, you should know that there are GPS tracking regulations that will affect exactly how you use your GPS system. Here are just a few legal issues that come into play when using GPS tracking.


Privacy Issues

Your commercial company may use GPS systems to track and coordinate vehicles, untethered trailers, and other assets. When using GPS tracking in this way, it reduces operating costs and protects large inventories. However, privacy issues can arise whenever the company has the ability to know the precise location of a vehicle. While you are legally allowed to track vehicles that you own, there have been instances of tracking disputes taken to court as a violation of privacy. You should avoid such disputes by letting your employees know why you are tracking them. You should also make sure your employees are aware that you are tracking them.


Tracking Employees Outside Work Hours

Many courts of law would agree that tracking employees outside of work hours is inappropriate, unnecessary, and a breach of the employees’ privacy. Tracking an employee outside of business hours can lead to not only a breakdown in worker-company relations, but it could also result in legal action against you. You should be clear about when you are tracking your employees and keep records of your monitoring. This way, there will never be any question about tracking employees outside of work hours.


Clear Company Policy

When it comes to tracking either your employees or their vehicles, make sure to lay out clear terms. Most of the time, companies will lay out these terms in their company policy. If these terms are not laid out in your company policies, then you would have no hard proof if a case was brought against you. When it comes to laying out the terms of GPS tracking regulations, you should consult with a legal professional to ensure the terms are written correctly.


Reasons For Using GPS Tracking

You should never have a GPS tracking system for your company without a legitimate reason. Possible reasons can include monitoring and improving fleet efficiency, improving customer service, boosting worker productivity, and reducing fuel costs. If you are tracking an employee for other reasons, there may be some issues between you and your employee and you and the law. You should make sure that your reasoning for GPS tracking is legitimate.


Get Your GPS Tracker

Now that you are aware of the different issues and laws that affect GPS tracking regulations, it is time to find the right GPS tracker for your company. Tracking the World offers an assortment of personal, vehicle, and asset tracking devices. Check out all of our GPS tracking devices here.

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