GPS tracking domestic violence

GPS tracking handcuffs

Memphis Police Using GPS Tracking to Fight Domestic Violence

Memphis is in investing $900-thousand dollars in the fight against domestic violence. The funds will be used to purchase around 800 tracking devices to help the police track offenders and protect would-be or former victims. With around 18-percent of the city’s murders attributed to domestic violence, the hope is that the use of GPS tracking devices will reduce the overall number of homicides in the city.



GPS Tracking Reveals Seagull Habits

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We’re always looking for unusual and creative use of GPS tracking devices, and happened across this.  A British study utilized GPS trackers and GPS tracking software to monitor the movement of seagulls in St. Ives resort.  What’s interesting is that the results showed that all 4 seagulls tracked had very different habits– with some flying out to sea, and others foraging for food on nearby farmland.  The tracking devices tracked the seagulls for a combined total of more than 20,000 miles.



Air Force Fixes Control System for GPS III


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Next year, and the launch of the first of more than 30 GPS III satellites marks the beginning of GPS III.  The new satellites boast increased security and better tracking. Perhaps one of the most impressive features is “spot beaming”, a way of creating a localized area of increased power for military use.