Cutting his GPS Tracking Bracelet resulted in a Wisconsin sex offender heading back to jail. Sentenced to wear the GPS tracker for life, authorities were alerted when the offender removed the bracelet. He was found in his home with the GPS tracking bracelet loosely attached to his leg. The man could face felony charges for tampering with a GPS tracking device.
TrackingTheWorld’s OFT-210 ankle bracelet GPS tracker is ideal for secure tracking of home based corrections individuals, high-risk populations such as Alzheimer’s patients. The OFT-210 utilizes fiber optic technology for virtually tamper-proof GPS tracking. In addition, the ankle tracker includes a hidden backup battery as an added measure of security.
The OFT-210 GPS tracker is waterproof, and offers remote tracking adjustment options- a cost effective feature, especially for law enforcement departments. Here’s another post on our ankle bracelet GPS tracking unit.
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