GPS tracking software systems are an integral aspect of what creates successful GPS tracking results. In our modern world, GPS tracking has become a key part of everyday safety, travel plans, parental guidance, and business usage. Without reliable GPS tracking software systems to back up the latest tracking devices, everything would fall apart and be unable to function. Therefore, it’s important to stay on top of the latest technology, upgrades, and trends when it comes to cutting-edge tracking software from your local GPS tracking provider.
At Tracking the World, we believe GPS tracking technology has the potential to make the world a better, safer, and more efficient place. That’s why we always invest in the latest tracking software systems for all of our GPS tracking devices. You can shop these devices anytime on our website, or reach out to our knowledgeable customer service agents to learn more. In the meantime, we urge you to keep reading to learn more about tracking software systems. Here are just three of the numerous reasons to explore new tracking software systems this year for all your GPS tracking needs: personal, family safety, and business-related!
Save Yourself Some Time
The first reason to explore new tracking software systems is to help save yourself some time. With older, outdated tracking software you might experience downtime, lag, and slow data collection. With upgraded and newer software technology, though, you can get results in real-time transmitted to the personal device of your choice. Cellular devices are now the easiest way to receive live data tracking information. Your phone can be used for both personal and business tracking needs.
This means you can keep tabs on those you love at all times without worrying about slow data collection. For example, you can keep tabs on your pets with pet tracking safety capabilities.
Furthermore, business owners and fleet tracking managers can save time by using tracking up-to-date software systems. With newer systems, you can get results faster and switch fleet routes as needed in real time. This helps you stay efficient, increase workflow, and even allows you to expand your fleet as your business grows. Without slow wait times for results, you can make decisions on the fly that can have long-term positive results for your enterprise.
Your Security Matters
Second, your security matters when it comes to personal tracking information collected on your GPS tracking devices. Security is essential when it comes to reliable tracking systems. Another benefit to choosing the latest in tracking software systems is added security and protection. Whether you are an individual or a business entity, security gives you privacy and protection of your assets with your GPS tracking systems. Upgraded tracking software is more secure, with the latest security systems in place. At Tracking the World, we offer amazing tracking systems with security measures that help lock down your information – guaranteed.
Numerous Possibilities with Our Robust Tracking Software Systems
Finally, Tracking the World brings you the most robust and reliable GPS tracking software systems on the market today. Our process is simple. First, you choose which GPS tracking device is right for you. Then, we help you begin the activation process right away. You can even start your tracking software by purchasing a private-label GPS tracking software license directly from us. This allows you to host your GPS tracking services.
Next, you begin using your device. If you are hosting your tracking services with our reliable software, you’ll register your subscribers. This will provide them access to your robust services. Plus, you always have our support as licensed software owners. We give you the resources, training, and proper documentation you need. As a result, your new tracking software systems will help you launch a successful tracking enterprise.
GPS Tracking Software Available with Tracking the World
We have over a dozen years of tracking experience. As a result, we have carved out a niche as one of the nation’s leading tracking software systems companies. At Tracking the World, GPS tracking devices and tracking software formulate the heart of what we offer our clients.
We offer the most secure, robust, and reliable tracking software systems on the market today. From beginning your GPS tracking services to having reliable technology to support your own tracking devices, we are here to help. Reach out today to learn more, or visit our website to activate your tracker and shop all of our devices.
Whether you’re locating a lost pet or trying to find your way around an unfamiliar city, a GPS tracking device can help navigate you toward your desired destination. Originally developed by the military, a GPS, or a global positioning system, has been adapted by people to help them pinpoint specific locations or loved ones. You can use a portable GPS device by placing it in your car or using a handheld one. Here are four different ways you can use this device during the fall season.
Traveling on Road Trips
Fall break is coming up. Pack up the kids and take a road trip to see the family for the Thanksgiving holiday, or just discover a new area over the weekend. Wherever you’re going, use a GPS system to help get you there. It’ll provide step-by-step instructions on where to turn and which exits to take. Using a GPS navigation and tracking system ensures no one gets lost on your way to and from your destination. Many of these systems are reliable and easy to view. You can easily place these systems in your vehicle and display your route right on the screen. This helps keep you on the right path without taking your eyes away from the road.
Hiking and Biking on Different Trails
On cool fall nights when you’re in the mood to camp alone or with the family, head out on biking or hiking trails. You can mark the spot of your campsite on your GPS device and it’ll remember your starting location. When you’re ready to head back, just hit a button on your system. You can then walk or bike right back to where you started. You can also record the exact trail you walked using your tracking system and play it back next time you want to venture down that same path again.
Locating Your Children
Fall weather often brings football games and bonfires, which is where your kids may spend most of their evenings with friends. GPS tracking devices help you worry a little less about their whereabouts. Install these systems in their cars or have them carry around a handheld device. Most systems make it easy to alert others of their exact location if they’re lost or their car breaks down.
Finding Your Parked Vehicle at Busy Events
Whether you’re attending a state fair, sporting event, pumpkin patch, or any other crowded fall festivity, you may lose sight of your car in a sea of vehicles. By placing your tracking system in your car, you can easily spot where your car is from your handheld device. Some even let you connect to the device using your mobile phone. This helps you leave the event quickly and without wandering around searching for your vehicle.
A GPS Tracking Device Helps You Navigate to and from Destinations
Many GPS tracking devices use global positioning satellites to help others find their specific location. These satellites pick up the signal of the location and the GPS system helps navigate you to that area. Contact us today to learn more about how a GPS tracking device can help successfully get you from point A to point B in no time.
If you’re a business owner with even a small fleet of vehicles, you’re certainly aware of how much time and energy is invested into tracking the mileage on your company vehicles. Manual mileage logging and then data entry of the information required to create a useable report is inefficient, frustrating and time consuming, and you still have no way of knowing whether your company vehicles are being misused by employees.
As a solution for tedious mileage reporting, TrackingTheWorld GPS tracking software offers automated reporting options, eliminating the need for manual logging, plus other features to assure the proper use of your company vehicles. For example, our tracking software offers geo-fencing which automatically sends alerts via cell phone or email to let you know when a company vehicle leaves a predetermined area. With the use of real time GPS tracking devices for company vehicles you’ll also be alerted to harsh driving patterns. GPS trackers are also ideal for providing an additional level of security for employees, with some models offering a panic alert button, which automatically launches a rapid series of location alerts to preset phone numbers and email addresses.
If you’re considering purchasing GPS tracking devices for your company vehicles, check out TrackingTheWorld’s broad range of GPS tracking devices for vehicle tracking and optional accessories on our products page at or buy GPS devices now through our distributors listed here:
Portage Township Schools on the southeast side of Lake Michigan recently installed GPS trackers on all 110 buses in the school’s fleet. Added as a measure of convenience for both parents and administration, the program was given a “test drive” during summer school to prepare for the beginning of the 2014 school year.
Using GPS tracking software on computers or smart phones, parents and faculty are able to see the exact location of any bus at any time–even on field trip days– While the new GPS tracking system will most assuredly offer parents peace of mind that their child made it to school safely, officials also hope it will be an added convenience for parents of children whose buses are running late. With tracking software, parents will have detailed information on when the bus can be expected, hopefully eliminating the need to call the school officials.
School administration also hopes to use the system to conserve fuel and maintain efficiency by rerouting buses when traffic incidents occur.
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Visit TrackingTheWorld for more information on GPS tracking software and tracking devices for your business.
You’ve probably seen them in your own community…large metal bins for dropping off clothing donations. As it turns out, not even donations given in good will are exempt from those who rummage through clothing bins in hopes of reselling or keeping the goods. One Baltimore company, that originally thought donations were down, has successfully retrieved stolen goods, and led authorities to recycled clothing thieves with the help of GPS tracking software— and in the process found out that donations weren’t down after all. By placing GPS tracking devices in various clothing items–in pockets, liners, etc., and using GPS tracking software, the company has successfully retrieved several batches of stolen clothing. Company officials use geofencing, a feature of the tracking software to receive cell phone alerts whenever one of their GPS tracking devices leaves the immediate area of the clothing collection bins. The clothing collected by the company is bailed and then shipped to third world countries.
Recycling. Upcycling. Paper-free offices. In today’s world it seems as if we’re bombarded multiple options and continuous pressure to maintain both green businesses and homes. Here are a few ways that adding GPS tracking to your business can help you improve the overall environmental friendliness of your business.
Reduce Fuel Consumption: One of the most pressing environmental and fiscal issues with many business owners is monitoring and attempting to reduce the amount of fuel used, and its cost. GPS tracking software for business vehicles allows dispatchers to easily select the most efficient route of travel—saving fuel, time, and money.
In addition, installing GPS tracking on your business fleet can increase the miles per gallon you get with your vehicles, as GPS tracking software acts as a deterrent for employees tempted to exceed speed limits or drive recklessly.
Working Toward a Paper-Free Office: GPS tracking systems and GPS tracking software can help you reduce the amount of paper waste your business generates through automated reporting options, including work hours and mileage reporting.
Suspected Thief Forgets He’s Wearing a GPS Tracking Ankle Bracelet
A suspected thief in Washington state either seriously underestimated the precise information provided by his GPS ankle bracelet via GPS tracking software or, more likely, forgot to remove it before allegedly embarking on a spree of theft from an Eagles fraternity lodge. GPS tracking data confirms that the man made multiple trips between the lodge and a nearby motel. Approximately $2,000 was stolen, and the man is now suspected in past thefts based on evidence found at the scene. The police, confirming that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, stated that “You can’t make this stuff up.” Video surveillance from the night of the alleged crimes has been turned over to authorities, and a second suspect has been identified based on evidence.
A Colorado real estate agent puzzled by missing signs now has an answer. Every week, the realtor placed signs in a specific location and would return for them a few days later. Each time, one or more of the real estate signs was missing. First, opting for a video camera, the agent discovered that his signs were being plucked from the ground by a passerby driving through.
Then, taking things a step further, the agent placed more signs in the same location and equipped one with a GPS tracking system. Using GPS tracking software, the tracking device was set to alert the agent when it sensed movement. Within days, the tracker alerted the agent and he was able to trace the location of the GPS-equipped sign to a competitor’s garage. The competitor claims he was only moving the sign from a location where it didn’t belong and did nothing wrong. Charges are pending.
Here are the latest bits of GPS tracking news we’ve found around the Web this week.
A vehicle linked to country music star, Wynonna Judd, was discovered to have been outfitted with a GPS tracking device. The device was discovered by a muffler shop and removed by police. Here’s the original story:
Robertson County, TN school may soon be getting GPS tracking software for school buses to monitor bus location and driving behavior of bus drivers. After approved by the school board, the he project is now under consideration by county officials. Source:
Wildlife biologists in Montana have successfully used GPS tracking devices (collars) to track the location of elk in the off season and were surprised to find that the three cow elk tracked moved more than 60 air miles from where they’re usually seen during the hunting season. Source:
Our latest release, the World Tracker OBD GPS device for vehicle tracking is designed to plug in to the OBD diagnostic port of any vehicle, offering a quick and reliable option in GPS tracking systems.Easily installed in minutes, the tracking device requires a data SIM card for operation, and is equipped with a motion detection sensor to conserve power when the vehicle is not moving.
The GPS tracking device features G-force monitoring for harsh driving detection, real time GPS tracking, GPRS communication modes by UDP or TCP, longitude and latitude location, GSM mobile control, and compatibility with any GSM carrier. The device offers a hot start time of less than one second.
The WT-OBD is compatible with any GPS tracking software, including TrackingTheWorld software which allows users to monitor the tracker’s location, set virtual boundaries known as geo-fences, and create customized reports. TrackingTheWorld GPS tracking software also supports JPG and shapefiles.
Read more about the WorldTracker OBD.
To order, call 650-692-8100 or email
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