GPS Tracking and Environment

A second round of research by the Kiawah Conservancy, located in Kiawah Island of South Carolina, is using GPS tracking technology to monitor 35-bobcats in the area. The data gained from the study will
provide critical information on the bobcats’ habitat area, and create a virtual boundary for preserving it .The GPS tracking systems helps  builders on the island to avoid building over the habitats of the native species.

Wildlife preservationists feel the GPS tracking program is important, because human development on the island has already resulted in the deaths of 2 bobcats, both struck by cars.




GPS tracking systems are proving to be beneficial to the environment through their help in exposing and preventing  illegal garbage dumping.  The following details GPS tracking systems installed in garbage trucks in Abu Dhabi.

About 85-percent of garbage collection trucks in Abu Dhabi emirate are equipped with GPS tracking transmitters. It seems that the simple addition of a GPS tracking systems has resulted in  radical, and much improved, changes in
the amount of waste that is dumped at improper locations.

Before the installation of the GPS tracking systems,  illegal
dumping was a serious issue, including complaints about collection trucks dumping sewage water into deserts in the
Western Region.  This dumping was a serious problem, as it was contaminating local farms.

It is reported that the GPS tracking systems have significantly recucedthe number of complaints within the area.


Visit for more information about GPS tracking software, fleet tracking and more.

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Some of you may remember the tale of Happy Feet, an emperor penquin, who washed up against the shore of New Zealand,
hundreds of miles from the bird’s normal feeding grounds about two months ago. The wayward traveler was released this week back into the Southern Ocean to begin his long voyage home. Thanks to GPS tracking technology, fans of this flightless bird
can track his progress home.

After two months of caring for the bird, he was released
into ocean after receiving medical care for swallowing sand. The penguin’s
course, which can be seen online, is already a bit odd. Happy Feet seems to be
taking a zigzag pattern, which may explain how he got so far off track to begin

Happy Feet was release down a tarpaulin ‘hydro-slide’ boat’s ramp, and
hopefully, Happy Feet will be home in Antarctica soon.


Read another post about GPS tracking and the environment: