GPS Tracking System

GPS Tracking System and related information.

Efficiency is a major factor for every business. If you’re like most businesses out there, you’re always looking for the means to improve. For industries that have fleets of any kind, the use of GPS tracking systems can help significantly.

When you rely on fleets to deliver materials, goods, or even services, you need to know that the details make sense. Operations and mapping of routes can make a huge difference. Ensuring your drivers have access to the best possible route design to improve efficiency is also a game changer. In this guide, we share more about how a GPS system might help improve efficiency and it goes well beyond just navigational needs. Check this out!

Real Time Location Monitoring

A GPS system will provide real time updates as to where a fleet vehicle is at that moment. Vehicle activity can be monitored to ensure routes are followed, employees are held accountable, and determine whether adjustments may need to be made.

Those managing the fleet can do all of these things:

  • Track locations
  • Create planned routes and ensure they are followed
  • Quickly identify delays or issues
  • Respond to potential problems
  • Provide accurate ETAs for customers

This information is a driving factor for being aware and learning the best way to optimize a route based on fleet demands. This can help reduce wasted time and ensure that the fleet can handle business quickly and efficiently without added hassle.

Use GPS Tracking Systems to Optimize Route Planning

The algorithms in tracking systems like these are designed to help identify the most efficient routes. In most cases, you can adjust parameters or settings for specific factors. For example, you might want to find the fastest route available. Or perhaps you want to avoid possible traffic congestion.

These systems are tied into real time information so if there is something that might slow down the fleet travel, it will impact the recommended route or the driver will be made aware and can select an alternative route. The system should be intuitive enough to pick up on things like road closures or inclement weather and other factors that could impact a drive.

When the system automatically adjusts a route based on the current conditions, it allows the managers and drivers to save some time as well as fuel. The operational costs are more closely managed so overall productivity and efficiency can be improved.

Improve Driver Behavior

While some drivers are always on their best behavior, that is not always the case. The truth is that there are drivers out there who simply will do whatever they want unless they know they are monitored. GPS tracking can help hold drivers accountable so they drive on their best behavior.

Not only can this ensure safe driving practices, but it typically leads to better driving overall. A system can alert managers to certain behavior as well, like speeding or excessive idling. This can help determine if there are problem areas that should be addressed with specific drivers.

The system sets the stage of accountability for every driver and will allow companies to address common issues as they arise. With the help of the data, driving behavior is improved and this helps promote efficiency as well as longer-lasting vehicles and vehicle safety.

Reduce Fuel Expenses

person holding black corded device

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Keeping a fleet of vehicles fueled up is no small undertaking. The cost of fuel covering multiple commercial vehicles is certainly going to add up. While this expense is necessary, there are steps that can be taken to help reduce fuel costs.

With fuel being one of the most significant expenses, taking the opportunity to cut back a little is a given. GPS systems could potentially help minimize or reduce fuel costs in these ways:

  • Reduce or eliminate unnecessary idling
  • Cut back on mileage with optimized routes
  • Monitor fuel usage for inefficiencies
  • Adjust practices to improve fuel economy

Making small changes and improvements to the routes and the way people drive is going to add up. It might only seem like a small savings at any given time, but those numbers add up. With consistency, this can lead to substantial savings and that impacts your bottom line.

Enhance Fleet Maintenance with GPS Tracking Systems

Another significant expense with a fleet is maintenance. Not only do you have to keep up on things like oil changes and tire care, but you may have additional maintenance or repair expenses too. A GPS system can help plan for regular maintenance through tracking and alerts so that you can best schedule for maintenance needs.

The systems typically provide the following:

  • Engine hour and mileage tracking
  • Alerts for recommended scheduled maintenance
  • Early detection
  • Warning signals
  • Reminders

The tracking system could provide a means to be proactive with maintenance and planning or scheduling maintenance. Staying on top of care and repair will help to reduce downtime as well as costly issues that come from lack of care or maintenance.

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Your customers matter, whether you’re delivering goods or services to people. No matter your business, having an efficient and optimized fleet will contribute to the services you are providing.

In this day and age, customer expect fast and reliable service. A GPS system will allow companies to plan and adapt so they can meet or even exceed those expectations. With proper systems in place, you can provide more accurate delivery updates and responses, be able to respond quickly, and ensure there are fewer delays.

All of this leads to more satisfied customers, which means you will retain customers and they will speak kindly about you to others.

Make Data Driven Decisions

Finally, GPS systems provide valuable data that can help you make important decisions for your fleet, including these:

  • Vehicle utilization
  • Route efficiency
  • Fuel optimization
  • Driver performance

When you are aware and in the know, you can adapt as needed and address potential issues. Analyze the data and use the information to optimize. You really can’t go wrong.

GPS Tracking Systems are a Fleet Must Have

Using a tracking system is so important for fleet management and it tends to offers a variety of tools that can significantly impact the business. At Tracking The World, we have a variety of systems to choose from so you can discover what works best for your fleet needs. Considering investing in fleet tracking systems? Check out your options today!

Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless all of you and your family this Thanksgiving!

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Sapcorda Plans Centimeter-Scale GPS for Europe (August 15, 2017)

Germany’s Bosch and Geo++, U-blox of Switzerland, and Japan’s Mitsubishi Electric announced the establishment of Sapcorda Services last Tuesday, a joint venture to provide global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning services of centimeter-level accuracy via satellite transmission, mobile cellular technology, and the Internet.


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This expedition is trying to find out if the tallest mountain in the world shrank (January 26, 2017)

This week, India’s surveyor general announced that the government is going to re-measure Mount Everest, in a bid to determine whether the world’s tallest peak shrank (or grew) following a devastating earthquake in 2015.

A team of 30 scientists will use two methods to measure the mountain. The first involves placing a GPS transistor at its summit to measure the distance from sea level; the second involves more traditional on-the-ground triangulation, whereby researchers would determine the distance to the summit based on its angle relative to two baseline points.


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Implications of BeiDou explored in US congressional report (January 25, 2017)

The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission has issued a staff report titled “China’s Alternative to GPS and Its Implications for the United States.”

The report examines the objectives behind Beijing’s decision to develop the system as an alternative to GPS, its efforts to build an industry around the system, and the effects this might have in security, economic and diplomatic terms for the U.S.


Additional info on BeiDou:

Additional info on the different GPS systems:


Holiday season officially starts tomorrow (Thursday 11/24) with Thanksgiving.

TTW family sends you blessings for a joyful holiday with family and friends.

God Bless you and your families through out this holiday season.

Thank you for everything we could not have done it without you!

Happy Thanksgiving!


DoD Certifies GPS OCX Program to Congress

The Air Force next generation operational control system, known as OCX, recently breach the limit for cost over-run. Thanks to early engagement with Raytheon (OCX contractor) to resolve the program issues, the program recently received certification to continue its activities. The program capability supports military forces, civil, commercial and scientific uses. However, the future of OCX program still depends on Ratheon’s ability to deliver needed capabilities to Air Force at acceptable cost and within acceptable time.


Additional info on OCX:


GPS Tracking Bus Philippines

Philippines LTFRB Calls for GPS on Public Buses By April 30th

Manila officials are attempting to control excessive speeding among public transportation officials through fleet tracking.  Calling for GPS tracking devices in all provincial buses before the end of April, officials hope to utilize the GPS trackers and GPS tracking software to determine which buses are habitually speeding to improve the transportation.



gps tracking satellite

ULA Launches New GPS Satellite on February 5

The United Launch Alliance completed a successful launch of a new GPS tracking satellite on February 5, 2016.  This launch was the final of 12 new satellite launches, collectively known as the Block II-F series.  Built by Boeing, and monitored by the United States Air Force, the launch of the $131-Million GPS Satellite is intended to improve GPS tracking, including fleet tracking and covert tracking, worldwide.  30 of 50 orbiting satellites remain active, with the first launched in 1978.



GPS Tracking Software Art


GPS Tracking Software Art

Here’s a new twist on the many uses for GPS tracking software.  Creative fitness enthusiast have begun creating GPS tracking art via their outdoor fitness running and biking routes. By planning an exact route, the resulting GPS software display will appear in a desired shape, likeness, or pattern.


Photo Credit: Architect.Com



GPS tracking software

Whether your business relies upon hundreds of big rigs for shipping, or a small handful of vehicles for errands around town, GPS tracking software provides many valuable benefits with technology offers great peace of mind, and may save your company a considerable amount of money in the long run.

Protect Your Investment

Since employee drivers know vehicles are being tracked, they’re more likely to drive with greater care. This improves the safety of employees, makes your vehicles less likely to be involved in accidents, and adds another layer of protection to your cargo.

Close monitoring also aids in risk assessment, discouraging theft, and enhancing overall security of both hard assets and personnel.

Improve Cost Management

GPS tracking software keeps tabs on fuel efficiency, oil consumption, and general wear and tear of vehicles, enabling you to better manage maintenance costs.

Data on the fleet, including driver operation and the mechanical status of each vehicle, can help mitigate potentially hefty costs. Driver behavior analysis can translate into targeted training for drivers. This improves the life of your vehicles, and increases driver retention through ongoing training.

Assessing the condition of the engine and key components of each vehicle can flag each rig for preventative maintenance to avoid expensive, service-interrupting repairs. And, GPS tracking software may even improve your insurance rating or lower your premiums.

Enhanced Customer Service

Knowing where individual vehicles are at all times improves accuracy in shipment updates to customers. GPS tracking allows your central office to redirect vehicles in real time, should routes require sudden alterations. This enables your business to quickly adapt to changing needs, and makes day-to-day scheduling operations a breeze.

Vehicle diagnostics, safety assessments, and real time tracking can all improve your bottom line. Companies large and small have much to gain from GPS tracking software systems.

GPS Tracking Software Dashboard

If you’re a business owner with even a small fleet of vehicles, you’re certainly aware of how much time and energy is invested into tracking the mileage on your company vehicles.  Manual mileage logging and then data entry of the information required to create a useable report is inefficient, frustrating and time consuming, and you still have no way of knowing whether your company vehicles are being misused by employees.

As a solution for tedious mileage reporting, TrackingTheWorld GPS tracking software offers automated reporting options, eliminating the need for manual logging, plus other features to assure the proper use of your company vehicles.  For example, our tracking software offers geo-fencing which automatically sends alerts via cell phone or email to let you know when a company vehicle leaves a predetermined area.  With the use of real time GPS tracking devices for company vehicles you’ll also be alerted to harsh driving patterns.  GPS trackers are also ideal for providing an additional level of security for employees, with some models offering a panic alert button, which automatically launches a rapid series of location alerts to preset phone numbers and email addresses.

If you’re considering purchasing GPS tracking devices for your company vehicles, check out TrackingTheWorld’s broad range of GPS tracking devices for vehicle tracking and optional accessories on our products page at or  buy GPS devices now through our distributors listed here:


GPS tracking software screenshot

Officials in the city of Warren in Macomb County Michigan have agreed to add GPS tracking technology, a nearly $600-thousand dollar investment, to city vehicles including snow plows, and sanitation trucks.  The fleet tracking initiative will provide an extra convenience to citizens such as knowing when to expect services, and the city hopes to recoup their investment in efficiency by eliminating manual mileage reporting, and more carefully watching the location of city assets.

With real time GPS tracking updates every 2 minutes via GPS tracking software, supervisors will know when a city vehicle has left its predetermined set of boundaries, a process known as geo-fencing, and will receive reports when city vehicles are traveling at excessive speeds or when brakes are operated abruptly.  The city expects that the savings gained by automated reporting, and eliminating the excessive or unauthorized use of city vehicles will be well worth the investment.

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GPS tracker for personal safety

Enduro Pro GPS Tracker

In addition to providing helpful information for business operations, GPS tracking systems are also used for personal safety.  Here, we’ve outlined some of the best safety features today’s GPS trackers have to offer.

The Panic Button

Perhaps the most important feature of a GPS tracker for personal safety is the panic button.  With the press of a single button, a GPS user in an emergency situation can immediately alert others if his or her tracker is equipped with a panic button.  On most GPS tracking systems, this feature activates a rapid-fire sequence of location alerts followed by automated cell phone alerts via GPS tracking software.

Voice Capabilities

The ability to communicate with another human being in the event of an emergency can mean the difference between life and death.  If you’re selecting a GPS tracking system for personal safety, TrackingTheWorld recommends a tracking device with two-way voice capabilities.

Extreme Weather Durability

For personal safety, a GPS tracker with all-weather durability is important, particularly if you are an outdoor enthusiast.  In situations such as mountain biking or snow skiing, your safety may depend on the ability of your GPS tracker to reliably function in less than desirable temperatures. Be sure to ask your GPS dealer for specifics on bad weather and water resistance capabilities before purchasing a tracker.

Long Battery Life

Another of the most important safety features for GPS trackers is the ability of the tracker to operate for as long a period as possible without a charge.  Depending on locate update intervals (how often you want the tracker to report your location), today’s GPS trackers can go as long as a month or more between charges.  With this capability, or something similar, you can rest assured your GPS tracking system will function even if you forget to charge it once in a while.


For more information on GPS tracking devices designed for personal safety, vehicle tracking, employee monitoring, and more, please visit


GPS tracking law enforcement

According to a 2014 study released by the Yale Law Journal, using GPS tracking for covert tracking operations for law enforcement departments is incredibly less expensive than utilizing officers for covert tracking operations.  In fact, the study estimated the cost of GPS tracking to be 1000 times more affordable than tracking vehicles the old fashioned way, with officers trailing behind their target in unmarked vehicles.

In the study, the cost comparisons are dramatic– covert tracking using the standard 5 car surveillance box strategy is estimated to cost $275 dollars per hour, yet the cost of GPS tracking for law enforcement covert tracking can range from just 36-cents to around $5 per hour.

GPS tracking for law enforcement has been described as a “game changer” in the law enforcement community for both its cost effectiveness and the number of vehicles that can be tracked simultaneously.

The study included both cell phone GPS tracking units, and GPS tracking systems mounted to target vehicles.


Visit for more information on professional grade GPS tracking systems.



GPS tracking fire truck

After the deployment of 260 GPS tracking devices in garbage trucks, police cars, and other city owned vehicles over the last few years, the city of Grand Rapids recently suspended and warned various city workers.  The reported offenses mostly consist of taking longer than authorized breaks and driving company vehicles for personal use.  However, a few years back, a police officer was forced to resign after GPS data revealed that he or she was taking unauthorized breaks outside of his or her designated patrol area.

The city has recently begun installing GPS trackers on fire trucks with the goal of reducing the response times of some calls.  Based on data provided by GPS tracking software, dispatchers can easily select the truck in the best position to respond

The tracking devices used by the city of Grand Rapids are not covert tracking devices; all employees are made aware of their presence on city owned vehicles.

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