ankle bracelet GPS

GPS tracking devices have helped many families stay safe for years. Some people feel weird about GPS tracking. However, when it comes to your family, there is no reason to feel weird. This could be the matter of life and death. From knowing your kids are safe at home after school to keeping tabs on family members. In this article, you will learn about how to keep your family safe with GPS tracking.

Keep your Children Safe

Statistics on missing children are shocking. Every 40 seconds a child will become missing or abducted in the US. That’s approximately 800,000 kids per year. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children found in a recent study that most abductions occur during the hours of 2:00 -7:00 p.m. This is usually the time frame children are coming home from school and are home alone. Even more shocking – More than 200,000 children were abducted by family members in that recent study. These statistics mean that any child is susceptible to go missing. Keep your child safe with a GPS tracking device designed to make you aware of your child’s location at all times. Give them a GPS tracking device, it can fit inconspicuously inside their backpack. There are GSM/GPS tracking safety phones you can give your kids so they can always be contacted and tracked. They also have a low battery consumption and can hold phone numbers so that the person doesn’t have to dial the number themselves.

Alzheimer’s Patients

Do you have a family member who is struggling with Alzheimer’s disease? Unfortunately, this is something many families deal with. The disease, the most common form of dementia, is gradual, unbeatable so far and ultimately fatal. It afflicts 1 in 9 people older than 65, and according to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 6 of every 10 people with dementia will wander and some will never be found. With those statistics, I wouldn’t want to take a chance on potentially losing a family member forever, and neither should you. You can purchase a GPS tracking ankle bracelet for Alzheimer’s patients that are waterproof and even keep a log when there is no GSM signal. That way, if your family member wanders off you can still keep track of them.


Making sure your family is safe is no joking matter. Now you know about GPS tracking and how to keep your family safe. Remember that more than 6 of every 10 people who have dementia will wander off. Also, remember that every 40 seconds a child will become missing or abducted in the US and More than 200,000 children were abducted by family members. If that was your family what would you do? Act before something happens and put a plan in place. Give your family members a GPS tracking device to keep in their pocket, backpack, or wear as an ankle bracelet. You may think they won’t ever need it, and hopefully, they won’t. But if they ever do need help, they will have the GPS tracking device and be safe.

Here’s an excellent example of using GPS tracking devices to ensure the safety of the ones you love the most.  According to a recent New Jersey report, an 84-year-old woman who wandered away from home was located unharmed within 2-hours of her disappearance thanks to a GPS tracking bracelet worn on her person.   Located in a wooded area about 2-miles from home, the woman is a participant in a New Jersey program which provides free GPS trackers to at risk individuals unable to leave home alone due to medical conditions that may cause them to wander away.

Have you considered GPS trackers for the elderly loved ones in your life?  Compact and discreet ankle bracelet GPS trackers are an affordable and reliable option for Alzheimer’s patients, dementia patients, and others.

TrackingTheWorld’s OFT-210 GPS tracking ankle bracelet offers tamper proof fiber optic technology, and a battery back up system which provides an added layer of security for loved ones as well as peace of mind for caregivers.








TrackingTheWorld's OFT-210 Ankle Bracelet GPS Tracker

According to the LaCrosse Tribune, a newly introduced Wisconsin bill is asking for GPS tracking devices for repeat offenders of protection orders issued through Wisconsin courts.  The GPS tracking bill stems from “Cindy’s Law”, an Illinois law requiring GPS tracking of repeat violators of protective orders, which was named in tribute to a woman killed by her boyfriend three  years ago.

Since Illinois enacted the GPS tracking legislation, other states have followed suit, including Minnesota and Indiana.  If the bill passes in Wisconsin, the GPS tracking services would be funded by the offenders themselves through a $200 surcharge for every violator of a protective order.

In the photo above, you’ll find TrackingTheWorld’s OFT- 210 GPS tracking ankle bracelet.  Ankle bracelet trackers are frequently used for GPS tracking of criminal offenders.


The OFT-210 GPS Tracker

The OFT-210 GPS Tracker

One of TrackingTheWorld’s latest GPS tracking devices is the OFT-210, an ankle bracelet GPS tracking device.  With the release of this GPS tracker, we’d like to inform our readers on how ankle bracelet GPS trackers like the OFT-210 are successfully put to use every day.

GPS Tracking for Home-Based Corrections

Considered a  more cost effective alternative to already overcrowded jails and prisons,  community-based corrections and in-house arrest programs are becoming a necessary choice for many localities. Attaching ankle bracelet GPS tracking devices to each offender allows program administrators to simultaneously  monitor a large numbers of offenders via GPS tracking software.  The GPS tracking devices can be programmed to alert authorities when the bracelet leaves a specific area, to assure that an offender leaves and returns from work at designated times, and to monitor the individual’s daily free time, if applicable.

Ankle Bracelet GPS Tracking for Elderly Loved Ones

Nursing homes and families are turning to GPS tracking ankle bracelets to track the location of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, who might otherwise be at risk for wandering away, becoming lost, or taken advantage of.

The ankle bracelet GPS tracking units can be programmed to alert caregivers and family members when the wearer leaves a specific area, such as their home, their neighborhood, or their care facility.  This allows the individual to have as much freedom as possible while assuring their safety.  In addition, modern GPS ankle bracelets are small in size, and are easily hidden by the wearer’s pants to provide as much dignity as possible.

Click to learn more about  OFT-210 ankle bracelet GPS trackers.

TrackingTheWorld's OFT-210 GPS Tracking System

OFT-210 Ankle Bracelet GPS Tracking System

 It’s time for the May issue of GPS Tracking in the News!  As always, we’ve been looking for great news stories about how GPS tracking systems are being used everyday by businesses, municipalities, and individuals around the world.   Here are our top choices for May 2011.

GPS Tracking Devices for Domestic Violence Prevention:  High Tech Alternative to a Restraining order?

Dutchess County New York is launching a test plan to utilize GPS trackers as a tool in preventing domestic violence.   Repeat offenders and their victims will receive courtesy GPS trackers to track their movements.   When the offender reaches a point deemed to be too close to the victim, both the victim and police are notified.  The county implemented the program as a result of experiencing 4 domestic violence related homicides in less than a year.  We’re wondering if the offenders will wear ankle bracelet GPS trackers similar to our OFT-210 tracker.  Source:

Offender Removes Ankle Bracelet GPS Tracker

Police in Bakersfield, CA have alerted the public that a convicted sex offender has removed her GPS tracking ankle bracelet in an apparent attempt to flee.  For situations involving home-based detainees, TrackingTheWorld recommends the OFT-210 anklet GPS tracker.  It uses fiber optics to prevent false connections, comes equipped with a backup battery, and is equipped with an automated tampering alert. Source:

Michigan Kids Launch Weather Balloon Equipped with GPS Tracking Phone and Camera: 

Twin brothers in Michigan managed to get their whole school involved in a weather balloon launch designed to track and view the balloon’s journey through the use of a GPS tracker and a video camera mounted on the bottom of the balloon.  After some trial and error, the balloon was launched and later found in a field.  Source:

Warrantless GPS Tracking Debate Continues

The Obama administration is pushing  for warrantless GPS tracking by law enforcement, and has asked the Supreme Court to review the case of an individual whose case was thrown out of court due to warrantless GPS tracking. Proponents of warrantless GPS tracking are carefully following this legal development.  Source:

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